Cargo Bike | CCF
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Cargo Bike

Ice cream cart with Bicycle

cargo bikecargo bike per gelato su stecco


Bicycles are an affordable (lower fixed costs compared to a shop) and effective sales system because it provides widespread distribution.

A moving sales point can be used to reach the most crowded places in a city at a certain time, attend exhibitions with a direct increase in sales determined by reaching the correct place at the correct time.

Stimulates curiosity, makes the store and the brand more visible.

Suitable for sales of packaged ice creams.

It has an 8 hour range with 12 hours of charging.

Complete* setup provided with:

  • Dust painted steel frame
  • 5 gear shift and pedal assistance 15 ampere battery
  • Box in painted aluminium insulated panels
  • PVC lowerable sunroof
  • Parking brake
  • Customised paint
  • Customised designs
  • Anti-spit protection plexiglass
  • Painted stainless steel surface
  • Folding compartment on the handle side that forms a wall equipped with cups, paddle holder, napkins and price list, Cone holder with 3 tubes
  • Electrical system: System protection panel, 12 volt system, 220 volt system, Power supply plug, Connection extension. Battery autonomy kit including Inverter, battery charger, 6 hour battery kit, solar panel
  • Hydraulic system: basin/ doser washer, 2 tanks for clean water and waste water
  • Lighting system

*set up maximum

In the version with PAI (Recessed Autonomous Chest) the temperature is controlled for each chest.

cargo bike per gelato mantecato


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